14 Top Nonprofit Websites to Inspire Your Organization

Your website is one of your organization’s most important assets. It most likely serves as the primary location for new donors and potent…


Your website is one of your organization’s most important assets and should anchor your entire digital marketing strategy. If it doesn’t, it’s probably time for a strategy update!

Effective nonprofit web design matters more than ever before.

The COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing guidelines, and a disrupted economy have all completely changed business-as-usual for nonprofits. Without in-person events and amid increased competition for attention online, being able to reach, engage, and convert new donors online effectively is critical.

If your site isn’t pulling its weight or if you think there’s room for improvement, you owe it to your mission to make some updates. This is especially true now, but a strong web presence has been an increasingly central part of nonprofit success for the past decade as more and more engagement moves online.

This means that web design projects (and even smaller, iterative updates) are important investments for nonprofits, and they can involve any number of different strategies and techniques. For instance, there are a few foundational nonprofit web development strategies your team should definitely implement. Think of these as the essential elements of web design:

  • Clear, prominent donation buttons.
  • Mobile-responsive design.
  • Streamlined navigation.
  • High-quality visuals.

Let’s walk through a selection of unique nonprofit websites that not only incorporate these elements but go above and beyond to impress visitors and inspire donations:

If you think a web overhaul might make sense for your organization, make sure you have the right tools on hand to start making improvements yourself—namely, a strong website builder and nonprofit-specific web development support. Once you’ve got those all-important pieces in place, you’ll be ready to jumpstart your site design, borrowing a few creative ideas from these all-stars.

Inspired by the best nonprofit websites? Contact team DNL to get started improving your own.

Interlochen Center for the Arts is a nonprofit organization whose website promotes strong branding and a dedication to educating all ages on the importance of arts and culture.

1. Top Nonprofit Website: Interlochen Center for the Arts

Nonprofit Website Overview

Interlochen Center for the Arts (ICA) is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to empowering students of all ages through high-quality arts and cultural programs.

Not only does ICA promote their mission using their main nonprofit website; this organization is so devoted to a pristine web presence that they built out an engaging, impressive website dedicated to their largest-ever capital campaign, the Create Amazing Campaign. This campaign was a massive undertaking launched to increase their scholarship support for students, revitalize their campus, and create new educational programs to “pave the way for the future of the arts.”

The landing page for Interlochen Center for the Arts' Create Amazing campaign site uses dynamic visuals to capture visitors' attention.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

It’s enough that Interlochen Center for the Arts put together an eye-catching site, but what takes their Create Amazing Campaign design to the next level is the development behind it. While this nonprofit website is certainly stunning, it’s also highly usable thanks to in-depth customization provided by the web development team.

Let’s explore a few ways that this site promotes engagement through creativity and attention to detail:

  • Responsiveness. Create Amazing looks, well, amazing on the big screen, but the landing page’s full-width layout and high-quality video loop still work just as well on tablets and mobile devices. Even better, the top navigation bar shrinks instantly into a drop-down menu that highlights the most important links, such as the donation page and ICA’s social media pages.
  • Real-time fundraising thermometer. It’s vital that you keep your supporters in-the-know with campaign progress, but when you’re receiving donations by the minute, sending out updates can be challenging. ICA remedies that problem by placing a real-time campaign progress bar on their Create Amazing website. Thanks to custom development and integration with Salesforce, the site instantly reflects every gift ICA receives!
  • Donor-focused content. Interlochen knows that their campaign results are only possible because of their generous donors. That’s why they’ve devoted a section of their campaign site to highlighting those who are “creating amazing” with their ongoing support. By reiterating donors’ value, Interlochen promotes more donations from existing donors as well as new supporters.

The Create Amazing fundraising thermometer blends in perfectly with their minimalist black and white site theme, as well:

Create Amazing's real-time fundraising thermometer helps make this site one of the top nonprofit websites.

The website also conveys a sense of community and stewardship with its donor call-out section By adding filters to each image, Create Amazing stayed on brand, highlighting their attention to detail and strategic design approach.

ICA focuses on their donors and spotlights their contributions, a smart strategy used by many top nonprofit websites.

Key Takeaway: A stylish and unified design scheme plus integrated tools creates an amazing impression on new donors and visitors alike. For major campaigns or specific projects, creating a dedicated website can be a very smart move.

The North Shore Animal League showcases a top nonprofit website thanks to their high-quality visuals and unique donation pages.

2. Top Nonprofit Website: North Shore Animal League

Nonprofit Website Overview

It’s not exactly difficult to make adorable dogs and cats appealing, but the North Shore Animal League exceeded all expectations on their inviting homepage as well as throughout the rest of their site.

The world’s largest no-kill shelter, North Shore Animal League uses their site to promote animal adoptions as well as donations and volunteer sign-ups. With so many ways to get involved, it’s important that the Animal League clearly directs visitors to take a specific next step on their website. And from the moment you land on their homepage, you’re prompted to do just that on their top navigation bar!

The North Shore Animal League's homepage draws visitors in as soon as they land, an important element for a top nonprofit site!

Plus, North Shore Animal League puts their cause at the center of their site by packing their site with adoptable pets. (And who could say no to their faces?)

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

In addition to adoptions, North Shore Animal League clearly prioritizes donations to help further their cause. Let’s walk through three ways that the Animal League website streamlines the donation process and ensures that supporters follow through with their gifts:

  • Cohesive branding. Donors need to trust that their gift is going to the right place, and consistent branding across your website and on your donation page can reinforce that. North Shore Animal League included their logo as well as their color scheme, and even better, a brief reiteration of their nonprofit’s mission statement.
  • Recommended giving levels. Making a donation shouldn’t be a guessing game. The Animal League’s donation form simplifies giving by highlighting a recommended giving amount ($60), as well as additional giving levels. Not only does this make donating even quicker, but it also may encourage a supporter to give just a little bit more than they were planning to.
  • Recurring gift option. Online giving software makes donating once a month easier than ever. By ticking a simple checkbox, a donor can sign up to have their gift repeat every month, skyrocketing their impact! North Shore Animal League places this option in an easy-to-spot location on their form so that no donor can miss it.

In addition to encouraging donations, North Shore Animal League also enables supporters to raise money on their behalf through an integrated Blackbaud peer-to-peer fundraising tool. Check out their DIY-style peer-to-peer options for birthdays, weddings, marathons, and memorials:

The Animal League's nonprofit website stands out because it provides users more than one way to make a donation, including unique peer-to-peer fundraisers.

Interested in launching a similar feature on your nonprofit’s site? Here’s a pro tip: North Shore Animal League worked with the team at DNL OmniMedia to develop a custom interface through Blackbaud TeamRaiser. Learn more about TeamRaiser configurations here!

Key Takeaway: Giving your visitors specific next steps to take is just as important (if not more important) than illustrating your mission and work. Supporters need multiple ways to get involved, and your site should make it clear and easy to get started with a donation, volunteer application, adoption, or fundraising page setup.

Mustard Seed Communities demonstrates their devotion to the cause on this best nonprofit website.

3. Top Nonprofit Website: Mustard Seed Communities

Nonprofit Website Overview

Since 1978, Mustard Seed Communities has cared for vulnerable populations across the globe. By organizing mission trips, launching residential care programs, and hosting educational programs in developing communities, Mustard Seed strives to equip individuals with the skills they need to be self-sustaining, healthy, and happy.

The Mustard Seed website highlights their efforts by placing a prominent focus on their mission. On every page of their site, you’ll quickly see just how much of an impact this organization has! Just examine their landing page for example:

The Mustard Seed nonprofit website puts the communities they serve front and center on their homepage.

By putting their work front and center, Mustard Seed shows their site visitors what’s most important—the beneficiaries of their cause!

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

Let’s explore the ways that Mustard Seed promotes its mission throughout every inch of the site:

  • Photo gallery. Mustard Seed has a lot to show off, but they manage to do so without overwhelming visitors. Their well-organized photo gallery page makes great use of space and showcases a variety of their efforts.
  • Mission page. Every nonprofit site should include the organization’s mission statement somewhere, and Mustard Seed’s Mission and Vision page does a great job of articulating their purpose using short paragraphs and to-the-point language. (And for bonus points, they also include a donate button in plain sight!)
  • Meet the Residents page. In addition to their mission statement, Mustard Seed also created a dedicated page to showcase the individuals they’re helping every day. This page allows potential donors to put a face to the cause they’re supporting and connects them to Mustard Seed in a personal way!

Check out how the photo gallery centralizes all the work going on through Mustard Seed Communities’ mission trips and other endeavors:

Mustard Seed Communities' online photo gallery is one of the highlights of their nonprofit site.

Their Meet the Residents page also links out to individual stories for every member of the Mustard Seed family.

This nonprofit website lets users interact with the Mustard Seed cause in a unique way on the Meet the Residents page.

Key Takeaway: Your nonprofit’s website should actively highlight your work’s impact. After all, your good work is the primary motivating factor for new donors! Mustard Seed’s Meet the Residents page is a great example of the level of detail you should dedicate to illustrating impact through your site.

The Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center has a top nonprofit site with high-quality educational materials.

4. Top Nonprofit Website: Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center

Nonprofit Website Overview

The Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center is a leading nonprofit treatment facility for rare blood disorders, including hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and others.

Because the Center’s site targets a number of audiences, such as patients, donors, and individuals seeking more information about these diseases, it’s important that their website serves a range of purposes. The Center does a fantastic job of streamlining their content and presenting it in a way that’s engaging, informative, and inviting, right from the homepage.

The Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center is one of the best nonprofit websites for its informative, engaging homepage and clear functions for multiple audiences.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

The Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center accomplishes a lot through their site, but let’s delve into just a few of its star web design features:

  • Prominent donation button. The Center takes donation buttons to the next level by placing a free-floating button on the side of every page. The easy-to-spot red button scrolls with the visitor; that way, no matter where they are on the site, a next step is always at the ready.
  • Navigation. For a site with so much content, the Center has maintained strong organization made possible by their comprehensive (yet clear) top navbar. No matter what a visitor is looking for on this nonprofit website, they should be able to locate it easily.
  • Educational materials. Providing patients and their loved ones with resources related to hemophilia and other disorders is a major priority for the Center, so they’ve devoted several well-organized educational pages under the What We Treat navigation tab.

Note the donate button visible from the What We Treat page, as well as the newsletter sign-up in the left corner:

Because the Hemophilia Center focuses on education as well as treatment, their top nonprofit site provides a plethora of resources.

Key Takeaway: Websites that need to cater to multiple audiences don’t have to sacrifice their value as a donation or engagement tool. Prominently feature your donation button on your site’s header on every page. Work with a tech expert to configure more advanced responsive settings like this site’s donation button.

Project Open Hand's top nonprofit website uses bright colors and inviting calls-to-action to inspire visitors to get involved.

5. Top Nonprofit Website: Project Open Hand

Nonprofit Website Overview

Project Open Hand is a nonprofit providing “meals with love” to senior citizens and individuals suffering from critical illnesses. Their organization’s mission is to nourish the most in-need members of the community through the best medicine there is — healthy food! In doing so, they provide 2,500 meals and 200 bags of groceries for clients in the San Francisco and Oakland area every day.

In addition to donations, Project Open Hand thrives on the generous support of volunteers. Their site clearly reinforces their constant need for a helping hand without breaking from their bold branding. Just look at their homepage!

The site’s Volunteers page also emphasizes these supporters’ impact on the cause. They also take advantage of multimedia through their short video with a volunteer.

On Project Open Hand's nonprofit site, they highlight the importance of volunteers.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

From just one look, you can see how Project Open Hand’s site engages their audience, but let’s layout just a few reasons we love the design of this colorful, beautiful site:

  • Strong calls-to-action. As you can see from the homepage, Project Open Hand immediately calls site visitors to take the next step by either becoming a client, volunteering, or making a donation. Because the buttons are so bright and placed at the center of the landing page, no visitor can miss them.
  • News and blog content. It’s imperative that nonprofits keep their sites frequently updated in order to show their visitors that they’re actively serving their communities. Project Open Hand accomplishes that, and goes a step further by organizing their news, blog, and press releases in an eye-catching (on-theme!) manner.
  • Social media integration. This site encourages visitors to connect on other platforms by placing quick links to their Facebook and Twitter page in their navigation bar. Even better, they have a real-time Facebook feed widget on every page.

Look at how Project Open Hand’s News & Blog page keeps content organized and appealing through bright colors and creative imagery. (And spot the Facebook integration on the right side of the page!)

The organization and creativity on Project Open Hand's blog makes their top nonprofit website stand out.

Key Takeaway: Use your site to foster an engaging sense of community for your supporters. Project Open Hand’s emphasis on volunteering information, video interviews, blog content, and social media feeds are great examples that you can implement into your own site.

Ready to incorporate some of the qualities of the best nonprofit websites into your own? Let's get started.

The Darien Nature Center's minimalist—yet striking—design is why they're one of the best nonprofit websites around.

6. Top Nonprofit Website: Darien Nature Center

Nonprofit Website Overview

Located in Darien, Connecticut, the Darien Nature Center is a nonprofit educational organization providing community programs for animal and nature lovers of all ages.

With seasonal exhibits, summer camps, and daily classes and programs featuring their diverse array of live animals, Darien Nature Center is a vibrant part of the local community, and their website illustrates that perfectly!

Their homepage showcases how much is happening at Darien Nature Center every day, using beautiful imagery and a calm color scheme:

The Darien Nature Center's homepage showcases their upcoming events and programs without overwhelming nonprofit site visitors.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

Darien Nature Center’s site has a unique goal—to inspire visitors to close their laptops and come out for a visit!

To promote their programs (and perhaps a donation or two!), Darien Nature Center has built out a site that follows nonprofit web design best practices, including:

  • Minimalistic design. As you can see on the site’s Our Animals page (below), Darien Nature Center follows a simple, straightforward design strategy. There’s plenty of whitespace, thus drawing the visitor’s eye to the high-quality photos and text instead of busy background elements.
  • User-friendly calendar. Since Darien Nature Center hosts so many programs every day, it’s important that they house all of their event details in one centralized place. Their calendar is easy to find, view, and interact with.
  • Branded event registration forms. Darien Nature Center has designed web forms that fully match their brand. Plus, their forms only require the most important details from registrants; that way, anyone who wants to sign up for an event can do so in as little time as possible!
See how Darien Nature Center makes use of whitespace and minimal web design on their nonprofit site.

Key Takeaway: Darien Nature Center’s website is a great example of the value of keeping it simple. A streamlined, tidy design almost always looks (and works) better than an unnecessarily busy one.

The integrated features of Save the Children's site makes it one of the best nonprofit websites in terms of utility.

7. Top Nonprofit Website: Save the Children US

Nonprofit Website Overview

Save the Children US is a leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged children around the world, and 2019 marks their 100th birthday!

The main ways that donors can support the organization are by sponsoring a child or purchasing a one-time gift donation to be sent to a child in need. This is an extremely effective and popular way to pursue charitable missions, but it does create some logistical challenges. Check out how the top of Save the Children’s sponsorship page is set up:

The intuitive search features of Save the Children's sponsorship page makes it a great nonprofit website.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

Save the Children’s website does an amazing job of handling complex tasks while staying organized and easy-to-use. Highlights include:

  • Luminate Online integration. Thanks to a custom integration with Luminate Online, this site can support complex sponsorship search and eCommerce tasks while reporting all-important engagement data directly back to the central database.
  • Comprehensive content. This site includes plenty of content on current issues around the world as well as pages outlining their work’s impact. Most importantly, it’s all organized in an intuitive way that’s clearly labeled and doesn’t get in the way of the core purpose of securing new donors.
  • Streamlined eCommerce features. Selling anything online is a somewhat complex process that requires careful data logistics. Save the Children’s gift catalog is a great example of an effective, organized, and streamlined eCommerce section that makes it easy to give.
Another smart integration gives Save the Children's nonprofit website highly effective eCommerce features that support their donation models.

Key Takeaway: For advanced logistical tasks, developing a custom integration between your database (or other) software and your website can have major benefits for your overall digital strategy. We worked with Save the Children US to create their customized child sponsorship experience, and we’re proud of the result!

We've picked the Ontario SPCA for one of our favorite great nonprofit websites for all of its engaging design features.

8. Top Nonprofit Website: Ontario SPCA

Nonprofit Website Overview

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society works to improve the lives of homeless and in-need animals across the Ontario region.

Like other animal welfare organizations, the Ontario SPCA’s website has the benefit of being able to use tons of adorable pet photos. This is an extremely effective way to draw in readers. Once they’ve got supporters’ attention, though, this site goes even further to boost engagement with their mission. Check out their homepage:

The Ontario SPCA has one of the best nonprofit websites because it prioritizes engagement at every opportunity.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

The Ontario SPCA website stands because it effectively engages readers through its design elements. These include:

  • Local events calendar. As a region-specific organization, the site’s upcoming events feed is a great way to give readers a quick overview of new opportunities to get involved. Each event links to a dedicated page where readers can register.
  • Embedded multimedia. Check out the embedded video in the image below. That’s on the Ontario SPCA’s homepage. Multimedia, especially a cute video about a cat finding a new home, are excellent for engaging readers, keeping them on your site longer and increasing the chance you’ll convince them to donate or volunteer.
  • Extensive contact information. This site also features extensive contact options along its footer section, including links to follow their work on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. This is a smart place to promote their social media profiles without cluttering the main body of the page.
Embedded multimedia and engaging calendars make the Ontario SPCA one of the best nonprofit websites for engaging supporters.

Key Takeaway: If you want more engagement from your supporters, actively use your website to encourage it! Your homepage should be a rich resource for announcements, multimedia, and ways to get in touch with your team. The Ontario SPCA homepage is a great example of a comprehensive but still cleanly organized website.

Better Buying stands out as a top nonprofit website for its bold but simple design.

9. Top Nonprofit Website: Better Buying

Nonprofit Website Overview

Based out of the University of Delaware’s Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies, BetterBuying.org is a nonprofit initiative aimed at creating a more equitable economic global environment by encouraging more responsible retail practices.

Its rating platform allows suppliers to anonymously rate the purchasing practices of retailers. This simple concept has the ability to spark major change in global trade — rewarding socially-responsible players with increased visibility, increasing the likelihood that products will be sourced from firms that honor safe working conditions, and generating new relationships for forward-looking companies of all sizes.

The Better Buying homepage clearly and proudly proclaims its mission:

Better Buying's bold homepage makes it a top nonprofit website.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

Better Buying wanted a new site that was easy-to-manage and easy-to-navigate. After all, handling plenty of web visitors without losing or confusing them is essential for a ratings index service! To that end, the Better Buying site has a few stand-out qualities:

  • Clearly labeled navigation bar. The Better Buying homepage includes clear labels for only the most essential information that visitors will want to know — what they do, their standards for responsible purchasing practices, and how to submit a rating.
  • Simplified design. No unnecessary design elements get between Better Buying and its web visitors. Keeping it simple and straightforward is a great way to convey a professional attitude and strong principles of stewardship.
  • Large photo headers. Rather than packing each page with graphic elements, they’re instead topped with a large photo header and overlaid text. The effect is orderly, attractive, and straight to the point.
Simple design elements and clear organization makes the Better Buying site one of our top nonprofit websites.

Key Takeaway: Just like with the previous entry on our list, the Better Buying site shows us that simple visual design wins out, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be bold! Large photo headers overlaid with headline text can be a visually appealing way to catch the eye without overwhelming readers.

The Lupus Research Alliance has one of the best nonprofit websites because it effectively provides value for a very diverse range of audiences.

10. Top Nonprofit Website: Lupus Research Alliance

Nonprofit Website Overview

The Lupus Research Alliance is the world’s leading private funder of lupus research. Established in the merger of three separate lupus research nonprofits, the Alliance focuses equally on fundraising for research and spearheading advocacy efforts on behalf of the lupus community.

The Lupus Research Alliance’s website serves as an essential resource for its community. As a hub that connects patients, donors, researchers, and those simply wanting to learn more, the site has a few important roles to fill.

The bold design and clear organization make their homepage particularly strong:

The Lupus Research Alliance's well designed and organized homepage ranks it among the best nonprofit websites.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

A number of best practices make the Lupus Research Alliance site a top nonprofit website. These include:

  • Consistent branding. The striking logo and colors of the Lupus Research Alliance stand out on every page of the site without distracting attention. Rather, they convey a sort of visual authority to reassure visitors and donors.
  • Strong content and media features. The site includes a highly-engaging Lupus Community section, where the Alliance uploads video stories of people living with lupus. An effective blog functionality also includes frequent news and events updates.
  • Effective design throughout. All across the Lupus Research Alliance website, strong elements of design catch the reader’s attention. These bold infographics are an example of the value of great web design:
Strong elements of design make this a top nonprofit website.

Key Takeaway: Your site should actively use its design features to keep readers engaged. Attractive infographics, consistent branding, well-organized content, and clear labels are all important, especially when your site needs to satisfy the needs of multiple audiences at once.

Ready to incorporate some of the qualities of the best nonprofit websites into your own? Let's get started.

The National Partnership for Women and Families has a top nonprofit website that incorporates tons of resources and clear calls-to-action.

11. Top Nonprofit Website: National Partnership for Women and Families

Nonprofit Website Overview

The nation’s leading advocacy organization for women and families, the National Partnership has addressed the unique and most pressing political and social issues that face women and children in the United States since 1971.

Helping more people to understand the intersections of political, economic, and women’s rights issues (and how they relate to the broader health of American society) is a key part of the Partnership’s mission. This means that their website must serve as a useful hub for a wide variety of readers, including staff, researchers, resource visitors, donors, and advocates.

The National Partnership’s homepage clearly conveys its authority as a central resource in the realm of social and political advocacy:

The National Partnership for Women and Families has a top nonprofit website that includes tons of useful resources.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

A nonprofit’s website must actively contribute to its mission and goals. For the National Partnership for Women and Families, a number of important features clearly align its site with its goals and make it an invaluable tool. These include:

  • Prominent donation buttons. Did you notice the donation button on the navigation bar on the homepage above? Making it simple and fast for donors to send even a small gift goes a long way to build support and reinforce your relationships.
  • Clear organization. From the homepage to each other page on the site, the National Partnership prioritizes organization and clarity. If you’re looking for information on a specific topic, issue, or campaign, you can navigate right to it in just a few clicks.
  • Emphasized calls-to-action. As an advocacy organization first and foremost, spurring its readers to take specific actions is one of the most important functions of the National Partnership’s site. The prominent “Take Action” button catches the eye immediately.
Clearly organized content ranks the National Partnership for Women and Families among the top nonprofit websites.

Key Takeaway: Make it very clear what you want readers to do after engaging with your site. As a nonprofit organization, remember that supporters are drawn to you because they’re drawn to your mission on a personal level. Don’t be shy about incorporating calls-to-action into your website!

The SEEP Network has one of the best nonprofit websites because of its advanced features and intuitive design.

12. Top Nonprofit Website: SEEP Network

Nonprofit Website Overview

The SEEP Network (Small Enterprise and Education Promotion Network) is a leading international network of nonprofit organizations. Working together to create global infrastructures for support, the Network promotes the development of more resilient markets and sustainable economic growth for the world’s poor.

With over 100 member organizations, the Network’s site must serve as a central hub for all kinds of resources and functions.

This means that visitors to the site likely know exactly what they’re looking for. The homepage features a clean, prominent navigation bar and a scrolling header image to promote upcoming events:

The SEEP Network's well-designed homepage lands it among the top nonprofit websites.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

As a large network with complex needs, SEEP needs a robust and highly functional website. A number of crucial features really make theirs stand out:

  • Highly effective Salesforce integrations. Custom developers created unique integrations for SEEP to connect their site with their CRM system. Benefits of these integrations include automatic data syncing, comprehensive directory tools, and single-sign-on functions for members to post on forums.
  • Effective visual design. The SEEP Network’s website makes use of bold colors and branding while remaining cleanly organized and easy to navigate, an essential quality for sites that serve so many members.
  • Interactive tools. The SEEP site’s integrations also enable it to make use of effective interactive tools, like this map of member locations. Tied to the Network’s directory, tools like this make it easier to strengthen bonds between members.
The SEEP Network's integrated tools place it among the top nonprofit websites out there.

Key Takeaway: If advanced integrations and interactive tools will provide additional value to readers on your site, you should offer them. Work with an expert to develop a technology plan around these upgrade projects, and remember that your website is the first impression most supporters have of your organization these days.

iThrive Games boasts a top nonprofit website for its coherent and organized approach.

13. Top Nonprofit Website: iThrive Games

Nonprofit Website Overview

iThrive Games is a nonprofit devoted to developing educational games and resources to help teens reach their full potential. By leveraging technology and game design, iThrive’s games help students develop the social and emotional skills they’ll need to confidently navigate today’s constantly changing world.

They offer a wide range of education resources, including simulation scenarios for civics classes, design thinking studio classes, complete game-based curricula, and research journals.

With so much to offer, iThrive Games needed a website that could bring it all together, provide a strong user experience, and reinforce its brand and mission.

Best nonprofit sites like iThrive Games feature prominent navigation links.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

iThrive Games’ site stands out for a few reasons, but particularly for its sleek design and easy-to-use navigation. Consider these elements:

  • Clear and unobtrusive navigation. A clearly-labeled navigation bar directs visitors to the exact offerings they’re looking for. The visual design of the site’s navigation elements does its job well without distracting from the more important visuals on each page.
  • Strong use of photography. Photos of students engaging with iThrive programming anchor every page of their site. This emphasis on the actual impact of their work is extremely effective at reinforcing their mission no matter what brought you to their site.
  • Engaging blog posts. iThrive Games boasts an active blog, an increasingly important way to engage supporters and constituents; in this case, high school educators. Eye-catching graphic design helps draw more readers into their Newsroom blog to connect with their resources and get involved.
Top nonprofit websites will make full of their blog with eye-catching graphics.

Key Takeaway: The iThrive Games website is exceptionally coherent and focused. Every corner of the site tells their story with photos of real students and educators engaging with their programming. Coupled with other engagement-boosting elements, like eye-catching blog posts, this tight focus on their mission creates an extremely smooth user experience that encourages repeat visits.

Tree House Humane Society's nonprofit website includes intuitive integrated features.

14. Top Nonprofit Website: Tree House Humane Society

Nonprofit Website Overview

Tree House Humane Society is a Chicago-based organization devoted to providing lifesaving care and shelter to stray cats.

Amid the challenges of 2020, Tree House needed to ensure its website could pick up the slack left by the sudden infeasibility of in-person engagement. With extensive navigation tools directing readers to information on adoption, other ways to engage, ways to give, and more, visitors are immediately directed to whichever tool or resource they’ll need. Plus, they prominently direct readers to learn more about their COVID-19 policy and schedule changes right on their scrolling homepage.

Tree House Humane’s site makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, but it follows even more web design best practices that are worth exploring, too.

Tree House Humane Society is a top nonprofit website for its clear, bold design and integrated tools.

Why This Nonprofit Website Stands Out

Tree House Humane’s site is an excellent model for other animal welfare and services organizations. Their website incorporates a number of integrated tools that improve the user experience, including:

  • Embedded scheduling tools. An integrated, easy-to-use scheduling tool lets users quickly search for adoption appointment availabilities without ever needing to leave the site’s main Adoption page.
  • Extensive ways to give. A robust Ways to Give page is always a best practice for nonprofits. Tree House’s page includes integrated donation tools, sponsorship options, information on tribute and planned gifts, Amazon wish list donations, and more.
  • Dedicated virtual event page. Tree House Humane Society made the right choice in creating a dedicated page just for their virtual multiday event, Cat’beret. This centralized location outlines the event’s schedule, support packages, and sponsors. Most importantly, it includes a prominent, clear-labeled button to purchase tickets.
Top nonprofit websites should also tap into the power of virtual events with dedicated pages to explain and promote them.

Key Takeaway: To boost engagement in the era of virtual fundraising, you have to make it easy for visitors to engage with your message! The Tree House Humane Society’s website showcases a number of elements that all prioritize user experience. Creating dedicated pages for various ways that supporters can engage with their work (including by attending virtual events) makes it easy for the organization to direct visitors to exactly what they’re looking for.

We hope you’ve learned a lot from some of these best nonprofit websites out there. Now that it’s time to design your own site, check out these additional resources:

  • Top Nonprofit Website Builders. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla—with so many content management systems to choose from, it’s easy to get lost! We’ve reviewed and ranked our top website builders with nonprofits like yours in mind. Check out this post to learn which CMS will fit your organization’s needs!
  • AdWords for Nonprofits: 7 Essential Strategies. Making sure it’s well-designed is the first step to getting eyes on your nonprofit’s website. With Google’s grant program organizations can appear on the first page of key Google search queries. Learn more about applying for and managing your Google grant.
  • Luminate Online Guide. Online fundraising and nonprofit websites go hand in hand. To see how Blackbaud’s Luminate Online Marketing product suite can work with your nonprofit’s online strategy, read our comprehensive guide to Luminate!
Ready to incorporate some of the qualities of the best nonprofit websites into your own? Let's get started.