13+ Analytics that Top Nonprofits Pay Attention To

Effective data management is key to understanding your constituency and building better fundraising and engagement strategies. But before you can capitalize on the information stored in your CRM or other nonprofit software, you need to know exactly what analytics to track in the first place.

Team DNL provides Digital Nonprofit Leadership to mid-sized and large nonprofit organizations. This includes assisting with nonprofit analytics. In this guide, we will share our expertise in nonprofit data analytics by covering the following:

If you could use assistance making the most of your nonprofit’s data, reach out to our team at DNL OmniMedia. We offer a number of analytics-related services including:

  • Web analysis, including analyzing traffic and bounce rates to make strategic improvements to your site’s layout and design. 
  • Strategic planning, such as designing marketing and technology strategies to sustainably grow your organization. 
  • Digital measurement and testing that allows you to compare outreach strategies and determine what approaches resonate with your audience. 
  • Data reporting and visualizations that track campaign performance, allowing you to see opportunities and places for improvement at a glance. 

With these services, we can support your nonprofit’s ability to understand donor behavior, create data-driven plans to drive conversions, and determine whether your strategies are successful. To kick off your data analytics journey, we will first provide an overview of what analytics are and why they matter.

Is your nonprofit tracking the right data? Update your strategy and earn more revenue with Team DNL's help.

Overview of Nonprofit Data Analytics

Definition of Data Analytics for Nonprofits

Nonprofit data analytics is the process of collecting raw data and analyzing it. The ultimate goal is to uncover trends, understand performance, and discover useful next actions to help nonprofits achieve their fundraising and donor stewardship goals.

4 Types of Data Analytics

There are four primary types of data analytics:

  • Descriptive Analytics: This describes what has happened over a specific time period, helping nonprofits see which changes have occurred and compare performance across time periods. For example, you can compare this year’s year-end giving campaign to last year’s.
  • Diagnostic Analytics: This helps nonprofits understand why something occurred by drawing connections between various variables. For example, you can understand what impact, if any, a new communication channel had on fundraising outcomes.
  • Predictive Analytics: This is the practice of using trends from past data to anticipate future outcomes. For example, if an organization realized that its budget for a previous campaign was too low, it can predict that the budget for the next campaign, if unchanged, will also be too low.
  • Prescriptive Analytics: This is the process of simulating possible outcomes, to understand the risks and benefits of different decisions.

More than likely, your organization will want to use a combination of the four types of data analytics to elevate your nonprofit’s strategies.

Why is data analytics important for nonprofits?

Data analytics is important because it allows organizations to more effectively and efficiently reach their goals. The process of analyzing a nonprofit’s data can improve several nonprofit functions, including:

  • Recruiting and retaining supporters
  • Fundraising and conducting research
  • Reporting on goals and maintaining accountability
  • Budgeting and forecasting for future campaigns

For nonprofits, efficiency is crucial to ensure they’re allocating as much of their financial resources to their mission as possible. Data analytics is one tool in that mission.

How To Begin Analyzing Nonprofit Data

If your organization is ready to begin analyzing your data or simply is looking to refresh your current practices, consider the following tips:

  • Choose the right metrics to measure and analyze. There are virtually unlimited metrics you can track— if you can collect the data, you can analyze it. However, not all metrics will be useful for your organization’s strategy. Only analyze those that will help your organization reach its goals, and choose those by working backward from your goals. So for example, if you’re hoping to increase major gifts, focus on major gift-related metrics.
  • Develop a process for collecting, tracking, and analyzing data. This includes building integrations between your various data-generating technology solutions and your CRM so that all of your data will flow into your most comprehensive database.
  • Conduct data hygiene efforts to keep information clean. This includes removing duplicate entries, updating incorrect and inaccurate information, and ensuring all data is input in a standardized manner. While you may need to begin with one major “clean up,” the goal should be to develop ongoing data hygiene procedures to maintain database integrity as you add more information.
  • Partner with a nonprofit consultant with expertise in data analysis. This nonprofit consulting partner will bring both data analytics expertise and an unbiased perspective through which to view your data. To learn more about these types of services, reach out to Team DNL today.

Now that we’ve covered a few tips to help your team get started, let’s discuss 13 popular nonprofit metrics that you may want to investigate in your data analysis.

Data Analytics for Nonprofits: Key Nonprofit Metrics

Fundraising and Donor Analytics

There are a number of donor and fundraising-related metrics that your organization can store and analyze within your nonprofit CRM or database to understand opportunities to improve your fundraising results. Depending on the capabilities of your software, you may need to add custom fields or configure your software to get the most comprehensive look at your unique data.

Donor Retention Rate

Acquiring new donors is essential for your nonprofit’s growth. However, replacing your current donors with new ones due to lapse is expensive, time-intensive, and not conducive to growth. 

Rather, nonprofits need to focus on retaining donors to grow. Retained donors form a reliable base of support and their value usually improves over time as they become more invested in your cause and increase their donation amount. 

Your donor retention rate indicates whether your donor engagement and stewardship strategies are successful. If your retention rates are low, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How does your nonprofit prioritize ongoing supporter communications? Do you have a plan for re-engaging first-time donors after they make a gift? Do you communicate via donors’ preferred channels? Use your CRM to track individual donors’ preferences to ensure you reach out to them regularly and through the channels they prefer. 
  • Does your organization acknowledge donors quickly and genuinely? A thank-you email works well for small and mid-sized gifts, and there are simple strategies to make even these thank-you messages stand out. For example, you might experiment with eCards, which can add color, humor, and memorability to your outreach. 

Several thank you eCards.

  • Do you make it easy for donors to give on a regular basis? For example, you might encourage donors to set up recurring gifts rather than one-time donations.

The longer an individual is involved with your organization, the higher their lifetime value will be. When stewarded effectively, these donors can become regular event attendees, passionate advocates, and even reliable volunteers, all while slowly giving more over time with each donation upgrade request. 

Industry Average: Tracking data across multiple years, the average donor retention rate usually varies from 40-45%. 

Major Gift Indicators

Certain indicators can give you powerful insight into how likely a donor is to make a major gift to your organization. This includes metrics such as:

Various major gift indicators, written out below.

  • Wealth markers, or financial characteristics of wealth like property ownership and stock or securities holdings.
  • Business affiliations, meaning where a donor works and what professional relationships they maintain. This is important for identifying opportunities to grow the donor’s impact, like if their employer offers a corporate philanthropy program.
  • Giving history, meaning how much and how often an individual has given to your nonprofit and others. This can help you understand what causes motivate the donor to give.

Once you identify a donor with a high capacity to give and affinity for your organization, you can begin stewarding them using your nonprofit’s established moves management process. Using metrics to identify prospective major donors ensures that no opportunities are overlooked. 

Industry Average: On average, 88% of funding comes from 12% of donors. Be aware the percentage of funding from major donors depends heavily on the type of nonprofit. Smaller nonprofits have fewer major donors, and many major donors tend to give to foundations, which then distribute grants to nonprofits. 

Donor Demographics

Donor demographics can tell you about who your donors are and how they may prefer to engage with your organization. To start analyzing demographics, track all of the following information in your CRM:

  • Age
  • Occupation and employer information
  • Education level and history
  • Income level
  • Family data (i.e. marital status, number of children in their household)

With this information, you can understand the best ways to appeal to specific donors and which opportunities they may be interested in. You can also assess demographic trends within your database and adjust your strategies accordingly.

For example, let’s say you discover a large audience of younger, college-educated donors. You may then choose to orient a fundraising campaign around raising a large number of small gifts, rather than a few major donations, to appeal to that cohort that may not yet have as much disposable income as its older counterparts.

Online Giving Rate

Your organization should measure how many gifts are coming in online versus other offline channels, such as direct mail or in-person events. This is so you can invest in only the right online fundraising tools for your organization’s strategy, optimizing your investment to secure the most funds.

Remember that online giving goes beyond just an online donation form, including other channels such as:

  • Mobile giving and text-to-give
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising pages
  • eCommerce stores
  • Crowdfunding platforms
  • Charity auctions

When you can see how much money you’re bringing in through each online channel, you can determine the profitability of each tool and map out a strategy that leverages the right software for your audience.

Industry Average: Reports find that the average percentage of online gifts depends on nonprofit size. Small organizations receive approximately 17% of their revenue from online sources while large organizations only source 12.5% online. This is because, on average, 80-90% of nonprofit revenue comes from major donors, who tend to give through non-online methods. 

Total Donations Raised Through Matching Gifts

Corporate matching gifts are an underused fundraising channel. However, these donations have the potential to double some of your donors’ gifts at no additional cost. 

Matching gifts are donations made by your donors’ employers to match their gifts. For example, if an eligible employee donor gifts your nonprofit $50, their employer might also donate $50, increasing that donor’s ability to contribute by 100%. 

If your nonprofit is serious about increasing matching gift revenue, track and analyze relevant metrics, like:

  • Total raised
  • Percentage of donations matched 
  • Percentage of match-eligible donors
  • Percentage of donors who pursue a matching gift

In an ideal scenario, many of these metrics would have similar findings. However, these are unique measurements and their success can be attributed to your matching gifts marketing and promotion efforts

Industry Average: Reports have found that approximately 10% of the average nonprofit’s donors are eligible for corporate matches. However, only 1.31% of contributions get matched. Leverage corporate giving tools, marketing strategies, and corporate relationships to raise your nonprofit’s matching gift revenue above this 1.31% average.

Web Analytics

Your nonprofit website is a major source of online donations as well as other engagement opportunities, from volunteer registrations to digital advocacy actions and much more. In order to optimize your site to receive the most traffic (and conversions), pay attention to how your site is currently performing.

Consider setting up a free Google Analytics account for your site if you haven’t already so that you can easily access the most vital website metrics. Let’s break down some of the most fundamental metrics to track in Google Analytics that any nonprofit can analyze.

Website Traffic Sources

Do you know how people end up on your website? The answer to this question can provide insight into how you appeal to prospective donors and market your nonprofit.

The following acquisition categories on Google Analytics can help you answer this question:

  • Organic traffic. These are users who land on your site through a search engine like Google or Bing. If you’re seeing low organic traffic, it’s likely because your pages aren’t ranking for key terms that individuals are searching for.
  • Referral traffic. These are users who land on your site via a link on another site. This allows you to understand which external sites are driving the most traffic and what kind of users they send your way. 
  • Social traffic. This allows you to see which social media platforms are driving the most users to your website. You can even see which specific posts are sending the most visitors to your site.

Beyond understanding where site visitors are coming from, you can also see which pages they’re navigating to once they land on your website. That way, you can assess which pages are most popular for users who come via each traffic channel.

Industry Average: Overall, organic traffic is the single biggest driver of website traffic with 44% of total traffic to nonprofit websites coming from organic visits. 

Average Website Session Duration

If users are landing on your site and immediately leaving it, that suggests that the information on your site isn’t meeting the visitor intent. However, website session duration is most valuable when it’s considered in the context of other factors, such as:

  • Traffic source. Are users from Google spending more time on your website than those who found it via a recent news article? Are social media users reading the blog posts that they click through to from Facebook posts?
  • Landing page. Are certain pages seeing a high bounce rate? If so, it may be time to revamp certain pieces of content or redirect older pages to more relevant, updated content.
  • Keyword. Are your landing pages answering users’ search queries? If users are leaving your pages quickly, it could signal that your content isn’t relevant to their search inquiries.

Web session duration can differ drastically across different web pages. But, when you consider it in the context of these factors, you can discover where to begin optimizing your site.

Industry Average: Across all industries, Google Analytics reports an average session duration of 1 minute and 37 seconds. For nonprofits, however, the industry standard is considered to be between two and three minutes.

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Website Conversion Rate

Website conversion rate describes how successfully your website turns visitors into actual supporters. With Google Analytics, you can set up a variety of goals that correspond to different user actions, such as:

  • Making an online donation
  • Signing up to volunteer
  • Registering for an event
  • Signing a petition
  • Signing up for your newsletter
  • Downloading a resource

You can break this data down even further to see which traffic sources are driving the most conversions, how many pages a user visits within their session before converting, and more.

Industry Average: While the majority of traffic to nonprofit websites comes from mobile visitors, desktop visitors have a higher conversion rate. Specifically, on average, 16% of desktop visitors who click on your donation page will complete a donation while only 10% of mobile visitors will. This is despite 52% of traffic coming from mobile devices and 48% from desktop users. This translates to 78% of nonprofit online revenue coming from desktop users and just 22% from mobile devices.

A comparison of desktop vs mobile users traffic and revenue contributions.

Google AdWords Analytics

If your nonprofit has a Google Grant, you’re aware of the different metrics you can track as part of a successful Google Grant management strategy. Integrate your Google AdWords account with Google Analytics to see AdWords data alongside your other site analytics.

While you can learn a lot from AdWords data, we recommend starting by focusing on the following metrics:

  • Clicks per campaign
  • The total cost of each campaign
  • Cost per click
  • Percentage of visits that lead to goal conversions
  • Number of pages a user visits on your site after clicking an ad

A Google Grant consulting team can help you dig into this data and make sense of it, in order to reap the greatest return on your Google Grant.

Industry Average: The Google Ad Grant is free, meaning nonprofits using it will always have a positive return on investment. On average, nonprofits earned 332 visits per $1,000 in ad credits spent. However, small nonprofits in particular found success with the Google Grant, attracting an average of 488 visits per $1,000. 

Email Analytics For Nonprofits

Email remains one of the most valuable channels for nonprofit marketing and supporter engagement. To know if your email efforts are paying off, there are a number of performance indicators that you can investigate.

Depending on the email marketing platform you use, your team may have access to a variety of analytics. We’ll walk through the most common metrics here.

Email Open Rate

Email open rate describes the percentage of recipients that actually open your emails.

If you’re seeing low open rates, begin by checking your subject lines. The best subject lines are short and sweet, but still action-packed so that the recipient is excited to see what the rest of the email contains.

Additionally, consider looking into your subscriber list. If you haven’t updated your list in some time, comb through it to remove inactive email addresses or lapsed donors, as these can deflate your open rates.

Industry Average: Various email platforms report different average open rates for their nonprofit clients. The marketing experts at Getting Attention compiled this information to find the following data:

A breakdown of average email open rates by platform.

  • Brevo: 46.49% for nonprofits, 21.89% for all industries
  • Constant Contact: 43.07% for nonprofit membership organizations, 42.8% for nonprofit services, 37.72% for all industries
  • GetResponse: 54.54% for nonprofits, 39.64% for all industries
  • Mailchimp: 40.04% for nonprofits, 35.63% for all industries
  • Mailerlite: 46.49% for nonprofits, 41.31% for all industries
  • Omnisend: 25.1% across all industries

Email Click-Through Rate

The end game of an email marketing campaign is to get supporters to click through and engage with some other material. Email click-through rate measures the percentage of individuals who click through the links included in your emails.

To improve your click-through rate, investigate the content you’re sending and pay specific attention to the calls-to-action you’re including. Segmentation is key here, as it’s important that you only send engagement opportunities to relevant segments of your audience. For example, you wouldn’t want to send an email that encourages the reader to donate to a supporter who has just made a donation to your organization.

Industry Average: Similar to email open rates, average click-through rates also vary by email platform. Getting Attention also analyzed these reports to find that Mailchimp has a 3.27% click-through rate, Mailerlite 3.27%, and Constant Contact 2.94% click-through rate for nonprofit membership organizations and 2.34% for nonprofit service organizations. 

Email Conversion Rate

To get the most accurate view of how impactful your emails are for your overall strategies, consider the email conversion rate, or the percentage of supporters who complete the desired action after reading one of your emails.

Use your email provider and Google Analytics to understand how readily email opens convert into:

  • Donations
  • Volunteer sign-ups
  • Advocacy actions
  • Event registrations

Similarly with web data, you can break this data down on a more granular level to understand which campaigns drive the most conversions. Then, you can replicate the strategies in that campaign to see continued success. And, if you’re struggling to draw useful insights from your email marketing analytics, remember that you can work with a nonprofit marketing consultant to ensure this data is put to use.

Industry Average: When it comes to fundraising emails, approximately 0.07% of recipients respond, while 1.4% respond to advocacy emails. 

Business and Financial Analytics for Nonprofits

Even though nonprofits don’t operate the same way as for-profit businesses, it’s important to remain mindful of key business and financial metrics to ensure you’re on track for success as an organization.

The following are two ways that nonprofits can measure financial stability using data.

Nonprofit Revenue Reliability

Just like a business, nonprofits need to have dependable sources of income in order to keep their lights on. 

Look into your CRM to assess the status of your annual fund and measure your nonprofit’s revenue reliability year-over-year. You can pull reports on past years’ finances and use predictive analytics to find answers to important questions like:

  • How much funding can you expect in the form of recurring gifts? Remember that these sustained gifts will need to be unrestricted so that you can use them for operating expenses rather than specific campaigns.
  • Has your nonprofit had consistent surpluses in the past? If you’ve been inconsistently breaking even or losing money year over year, you may need to revamp your annual fundraising strategies or assess your operating budget.
  • What are your key sources of annual fund income each year? Knowing where your funds come from can help you cut back on unnecessary efforts and funnel more resources toward marketing and fundraising strategies that pay off.

Once you have your budget in line, you’ll be better prepared to develop strategies for growing your annual fund so that your nonprofit can take on new campaigns, invest in powerful technology, and have an even greater impact on your community.

Cost Per Dollar Raised

One of the simplest ways to calculate your organization’s return on investment is by analyzing your cost per dollar raised (CPDR).

Divide how much your fundraiser or marketing effort cost by the amount it brought in. For example, if your direct mail appeals cost $100 to send out and result in donations totaling $500, your cost per dollar raised would amount to $0.20. 

Knowing the exact CPDR can help you compare how different fundraising strategies pay off in the long run.

You probably have a wide variety of efforts that yield positive returns, but that doesn’t mean all of those campaigns are equally profitable. You can analyze the CPDR to determine which efforts are worth a higher investment, and which could be cut from your fundraising plan.

The main benefit of this metric is to serve as a guiding reference when analyzing your overall fundraising effectiveness. That way, you don’t end up sinking major resources into efforts that aren’t paying off.

Industry Average: There is no standard for what costs should be included when calculating the cost per dollar raised, making it difficult to find an industry average. For example, some nonprofits include administrative and overhead costs, like employee salaries and software subscription fees, into their CPDR, while others do not. However, in general, nonprofit professionals advise keeping a CPDR rate of $0.20. 

More Nonprofit Analytics Resources

Data is a broad topic, and your nonprofit can always expand its tracking efforts to grow your organization and deepen relationships with your supporters.

To learn more about nonprofit analytics and how you can leverage technology to get more from your data, check out these resources from Team DNL:

  • The Donor Analytics Crash Course. Want to know more about donor data specifically? We’ve got your guide! Check out our walkthrough of the most important donor analytics you need to be paying attention to.
  • Google AdWords for Nonprofits: 7 Essential Strategies. If you’re not factoring your Google AdWords data into your analytics strategy, it’s time to start. Read our tips for optimizing your Google Ads to learn how to get more from AdWords analytics.
  • 5 Tips for Easy Luminate Online Migrations. Migrating and maintaining your nonprofit data is key before you can dive into your analytics. We’ll teach you how to plan for your Luminate migration in this thorough post.

Make your nonprofit's metrics beat the industry average. Team DNL's nonprofit tech experts are here to help. Contact us today.

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